When looking for private taxi insurance it can be a complicated event. There are so many companies who claim to be the best and cheapest, but how would you know? The main points to consider are the reputation of the insurance company. How long have they been trading for? Are they accredited by the FSA?
There are many ways to choose an insurer. The internet is chocked full of online only insurers and long established companies who also have websites. The telephone book can conjure up many insurance brokers who may not have branched out to the internet yet.
The first things to check with private taxi insurance is, are you a high risk driver? Are you under 25 years old or live in a high risk area such as large city centres? These factors can highly affect your premium. To choose an insurer it is best to shop around and one point to remember is not to go for the cheapest one.
The lowest cost private taxi insurance may seem appealing as being a taxi driver is all about reducing costs and maximising revenue. Unfortunately, low cost insurance may miss vitally important categories such as breakdown cover or windscreen replacement. Check to see if, after an accident, a courtesy car is offered or a payout for loss of earnings while the vehicle is off the road.
These factors can have an affect on the annual premium but are so important because these events always happen at the worst time. It would be highly embarrassing and costly if in the depth of winter your vehicle should stop working and you have a paying customer, but your insurance does not cover you for breakdowns.
Look for these benefits when searching for taxi cover, they may bump up the premium slightly, but it will be far less than being caught without it. Choose your private taxi insurance carefully as having the correct one and having sufficient cover can give you peace of mind should the worst happen. Make sure you read the small print of the contract also.
Insurer | Outstanding Features | Quote |
Private and public hire vehicles single or fleet cover, Bonus earning schemes available, 3, 6 and 12 month policies, Flexible Payment Options, Cover available nationwide, Minibuses, MPV and coach cover. £100 cashback or free breakdown for new customers! Terms and Conditions may apply. | Freephone Quoteline 0800 466 1989 |