Driving a taxi is a very good service provided for the public. While being a taxi driver can be very rewarding, it is nonetheless very hard work. A driver stays up all night in some cases is always concerned with being robbed. There are many undesirable customers to put up with and bad weather too. There are gas prices to deal with and taxi liability insurance, then there are accidents to deal with. Is seems like every passenger is always in a hurry to get to their destination and too much traffic to put up with. Still, driving a taxi is a good occupation. A taxi is a great tool to have to make a living with as a taxi driver. If a person works hard, long hours, and hustles, a person can make a good income all the while working for himself.
Besides having to deal with all the above, there is still more one has to deal with. Insurance is the other item. While there are many insurances to be gotten, liability insurance is another one to get. All the profits will be consumed in the event of an accident. One may option to buy a stand-alone policy on liability to cover the expense that is related to an accident. In some states and is some countries a taxi must carry a certain coverage amount. That coverage will cover up to a point for one person then there is another figure to be used in case of more than one injury. An example of that is if the policy is for $2000 and there is one injury, first injury gets £1000 and the second one gets the remaining $1000. If there are more than three injuries then the first person will get $1000 and the remaining £1000 will have to be shared between the other two people. It would appear that it is too much insurance, but the liability insurance is needed in case something falls through the cracks. Get all the insurance needed, as they say it is better to be safe than sorry.