If you want to offer anyone transport in a motor vehicle for hire or reward, you need to be licensed as a taxi driver. Check with the local authority for your operating area for their specific requirements, as they local authorities are responsible for regulating this sector.
Taxi licensing requirements ensure that the passenger is safe and receives a good service from a competent driver who is familiar with their local area.
There are two types of regulated taxi: those licensed for public hire, and those for private. Both types of driver must be over 21, have held a driving licence for at least 12 months, and not have criminal convictions for violent offences and theft or fraud.
Public hire taxis
A public hire or “Hackney Carriage” taxi driver can be hailed by anyone on the street, or wait at taxi ranks to pick up a fare. They can also accept pre arranged bookings. In London these are known as “Black Cabs”.
Public hire taxi drivers in London famously have to pass “The Knowledge”, which is a test that examines their knowledge of the layout of London streets, including traffic patterns and short cuts. Private hire taxis
Private hire taxi drivers can only pick up people that have pre booked their services. They cannot be hailed on the street, and as such cannot have a taxi light on top of their vehicle.
Both kinds of taxi need to be insured, but what is the difference betweenpublic hire and private hire taxi insurance?
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