When searching for taxi insurance, it has become a common misconception that the cheapest taxi insurance is the best. Usually the cheaper quote is the one which does not fulfil sufficient cover. Being a taxi driver means you are on the road far more than most other motorists. This means you are at high risk of being involved in an accident or the vehicle suffering a breakdown.
Looking for insurance should be about what cover is supplied for the cost, not which is the cheapest taxi insurance. In the event of a claim, the cheaper alternative may cause more costs than if a slightly higher premium was bought with better cover. Some cheaper companies do not cover breakdown costs or recovery, windscreen replacement or many more. If one of these problems did happen, the driver would have to pay out large sums of money.
Skimping on insurance may also mean the compulsory excess is enormous. Many insurance companies offering the cheapest taxi insurance offset the cost by upping the excess; a cost which is needed to be paid when a claim occurs. If an unlucky driver has two claims in one year, the excess would be far higher than if they chose a more suitable premium.
As taxi drivers pay more for their annual premiums than most other motorists, it can be too easy to look for the lowest priced one. The best way to decide on which taxi insurance to choose from is the one which offers the best deal with the highest level of cover. The little bit extra you might pay for additional benefits far outweighs the lowest budget quote. As with most cheap alternatives, they are heavily flawed and are so basic they should really be overlooked for a more substantial one.
A good way to reduce the annual quote is to pay the sum in full on the day. This cuts any interest added for monthly payers. Remember the cheapest taxi quote may not always be the best or the most suitable for taxi drivers and a weightier insurance package is far better.
Insurer | Outstanding Features | Quote |
Private and public hire vehicles single or fleet cover, Bonus earning schemes available, 3, 6 and 12 month policies, Flexible Payment Options, Cover available nationwide, Minibuses, MPV and coach cover. £100 cashback or free breakdown for new customers! Terms and Conditions may apply. | Freephone Quoteline 0800 466 1989 |