Hackney carriages are a common sight across London and the rest of the UK, being a truly iconic symbol of British life that no-one can fail to recognise. Driving one can be a great career choice and can give the kind of flexibility that’s so desirable in the modern world, and with plenty of different hackney carriage insurance policies on offer you’re bound to find one that meets your precise needs.
If you head to specialist insurers you’ll have instant access to a range of top-quality options, and most will let you tailor your policy according to your individual requirements and budgetary limitations. At the most basic end of the scale is third party cover or third party, fire and theft, although it’s often wise to go for a more comprehensive level of protection – your taxi is your livelihood so it makes sense to be prepared, and when you consider the fact that you’re responsible for any passengers within your vehicle you’ll soon see that a comprehensive policy is worthwhile.
Public liability will often be included as part of your policy or will be offered as an added extra (depending on your insurer), and you should also think about things like legal and medical expenses cover to ensure costs don’t spiral should the worst happen. Always look for a policy that can offer things like replacement vehicle cover, breakdown assistance and windscreen cover – it may increase your premiums slightly but you’ll soon be thankful should you need to make a claim, and some will even offer cover for any cash held within the vehicle, a particularly important consideration if you tend to do a lot of jobs during the course of a day.
There are plenty of insurance firms that will be able to accommodate your requirements, and if you spend the time to look around you’ll have no problem finding the hackney carriage insurance that will meet your needs. You won’t even have to spend a fortune to get the level of protection that you’re after – just do adequate research and always make sure to compare the options and you’ll have the perfect policy before you know it.