No-one likes the thought of spending too much on taxi insurance, but if you know how to go about it you needn’t spend a fortune to get the cover you need. If you want to find the cheapest private hire taxi insurance quotes possible then one of the best things you can do is look for additional discounts, and here are just a few you should look out for:
• No claims bonuses. This is often a standard part of any insurance policy, and if you haven’t made a claim in a set number of years you’ll often be able to enjoy great savings on your premiums.
• New taxi driver/new venture discount. Not all companies will be able to offer deals for new drivers but a lot of specialist firms will be able to, particularly if you’re able to show you’re a safe and responsible driver.
• Discounts for a good driving record. Similar to the above – if you can show you’ve got a good driving record with a regular car insurance company you could be able to enjoy even better savings.
• Discounts for experienced taxi drivers. Many companies will be able to offer great discounts if you’re an experienced taxi driver, and if you’ve held your taxi badge for over 12 months and can combine that with no claims bonuses you could have a fantastic quote.
• Discounts when arranging insurance online. This is a quick and easy way to get better premiums, and many firms will be able to offer such discounts for the simple reason that it’s more convenient for everyone concerned.
There are plenty of other money-saving tips you need to be aware of as well, such as reducing the number of optional extras you have in your policy and increasing the amount of excess. Make sure to be on the lookout for anything else that can be offered – some companies will be able to offer free breakdown assistance to new customers, for example – and if you spend the time to look and always take advantage of any discounts you could have the cheapest private hire car insurance before you know it.