If you’re looking to save some cash then you’ll probably want to start by taking a look at your insurance obligations. Policies can easily be re-evaluated and you could get extra cash in your pocket without having to make any additional sacrifices, so just how can you find the cheapest mini cab insurance out there?
Well, the first thing you need to do is research. Don’t just blindly renew without considering a few additional options – it might save you time but you could easily be paying over the odds, and unless you know what else is out there you can never be sure that you’ve got the best policy at the best price. You always need to perform adequate research before taking time to compare all the available options, and if you choose price comparison sites to help it can all be over and done with before you know it.
But, you don’t have to stop there. Once you’ve got a few options you can take them further by going to the insurers directly and seeing if they can better their prices. They’ll be competing for your business and so will often be able to offer great discounts in an attempt to beat their competitors, offering a quick and simple way to save even more. Always see if you can find additional discounts as well – no claims bonuses will be the first port of call but be on the lookout for things like discounts if you arrange the policy online or pay by direct debit, as even the smallest of discounts can always add up.
You’ll probably want to take a closer look at your current policy as well to see if any changes can be made. Be ruthless with your added extras – if you don’t think they’ll come in handy then take them off, because you can always re-add them later down the line if your budget changes. You might want to discuss the possibility of increasing your excess as well, because as long as you keep it realistic (i.e. make sure you won’t come unstuck should you need to make a claim) you could enjoy great savings. Any one of these options can be ideal, and if you bear them in mind when you search you could find the cheapest mini cab insurance for extra cash in your pocket.