Paying for insurance can be a costly endeavour. With prices only ever seeming to go up you might have lost all hope in finding a cheap policy, but all is not lost—with these tricks of the trade you’ll be able to find cheap cab insurance to get the cover you need at a price you can afford.
Research should be at the top of the list, because unless you know what’s out there how can you ever know that you’ve got the best price? You could be spending way over the odds without even realising, so researching the area is key. You want to find plenty of different quotes from which to make your decision, and if you compare each one thoroughly (taking into account level of cover as well as price) you’ll soon be able to identify the best deal.
This little-known tip can be a quick and simple way to instantly reduce your premiums, and all you need to do is increase your voluntary excess. It’s never set in stone and can always be adjusted if you ask your insurance firm, and because they’ll be paying out less in the event of a claim they’ll be more than willing to lower your premiums accordingly. You’ll easily be able to get a fantastic discount, but just make sure to keep it realistic—you wouldn’t want to find you couldn’t cover it should the time come.
You know what they say—if you don’t ask you don’t get, and that applies just as much to insurance as it does anything else. In fact, most insurers actually expect you to ask—the price they quote can nearly always be lowered as they’re ready and waiting for customers to haggle, so in failing to do so you’re already spending far more than you need to.
These are just a few trade secrets worth remembering, and if you make sure to carry them out when it’s time to renew you’ll be able to get cheap cab insurance whilst getting a great level of cover in the process.