Investing in a comprehensive taxi insurance policy is desireable if you want complete peace of mind when you’re on the road, but there’s often one aspect that divides opinion – added extras. Do you actually need them or are they simply a waste of money? Well, the answer often comes down to a combination of personal preference and budget, but with so many options to consider you could well find them useful.
You just need to think about your finances for a moment to see whether any of them could be beneficial. If you broke down while on the road or if your vehicle had to be repaired, could you afford to pay everything out of your own pocket? If not then things like breakdown assistance and replacement vehicle cover would be ideal, and considering you’re carrying passengers it makes sense to look into thinks like legal and medical expenses cover too.
There are a whole range of other added extras you might want to consider, with everything from windscreen and glass cover to public liability cover being readily available should you need them. You of course don’t have to invest in every single added extra you come across but a lot of them could be invaluable should the time come – you simply need to tailor your policy according to your individual needs and financial circumstances, and you could always save some money by taking a close look at your policy to see if you could afford to cut anything loose.
Some people of course choose to forego added extras altogether to reduce their monthly premiums, so it all comes down to your individual needs. But, while there’s no cut and dry answer, it can’t be denied that it’s often a good idea to consider at least a few added extras if you want complete protection – some of them could be invaluable should you need them and you could easily save cash in the long-run, so make sure to consider including them in your taxi insurance policy and you can be confident that you’re ready for anything that could come your way.