While we often think that annual taxi insurance policies are the norm, in a lot of cases they simply don’t offer a viable solution. What if you only drive your vehicle on a short-term basis? In this instance having to pay for an annual policy will be a complete waste of money, but luckily there are plenty of temporary options available for this very reason.
The number of short-term policies is on the rise, and with many insurance companies letting you build your cover around your individual requirements you could well find that you’re left with the perfect policy. Everything from monthly to 6-months and even weekly taxi insurance can be arranged depending on your circumstances, offering a flexible solution to your business needs.
This arrangement would be perfect for people who perhaps only drive a taxi part-time, or who dip in and out of the business as and when necessary to supplement their income – in these cases there’s simply no point in arranging a long-term policy as they’ll invariably be wasting their hard-earned cash, and with a lot of companies specialising in this kind of temporary arrangement you’ll have the cover you need before you know it.
Of course, there will always be certain things to think about when arranging this type of cover, and you’ll need to take a closer look at your finances before you take the plunge. It often pays to have some form of schedule in place so you know how many weeks of the year you’ll be working, because if you arrange too many weekly policies you could end up paying more – it all comes down to your individual circumstances, so make sure to discuss your needs with your insurer and you can be confident in making the right decision.
So, can you get weekly taxi insurance? Yes, and it could be the perfect solution in a whole range of situations. It offers a simple and cost-effective alternative to annual policies and can give you the flexibility that you crave, so if you think this type of cover would suit you make sure to look around and you’ll soon have the policy that you need.