When seeking any kind of insurance it’s important to know what you’re looking for, and taxi minibus insurance is no exception. The first thing to bear in mind is that you should ideally be seeking a comprehensive policy rather than a basic alternative, because although the premiums could be slightly higher it’ll be well worth it in the long run. Always check the small print so you know exactly what you’re getting for your money, and make sure to look for a company that can tailor their policy according to your precise needs.
There are lots of more specific things you should look for as well, and public liability insurance is one of them. It should be included in any form of taxi insurance policy but it’s even more important when you’re operating a minibus because of the large number of passengers you’ll be transporting—they’re your responsibility and if they were to be injured whilst in your vehicle the costs could quickly escalate, so having the right level of liability cover in place will be absolutely essential.
An optional extra you might like to think about is legal and medical expenses cover, again for the same reasons as above—you wouldn’t want to suffer the financial implications should anyone be injured, and with legal and medical costs often being extortionate it makes sense to be prepared. Other optional extras include things like windscreen protection and replacement vehicle cover, and breakdown assistance should be a vital component of any taxi insurance product.
Price will of course be a major factor to watch out for, but really it should be secondary to making sure you’re getting a decent level of cover. It’s important to strike the right balance between protection and value, and if you make sure to do your research (ideally by coming to us) you’ll soon be able to find a policy that offers the best of both worlds. By keeping track of everything you need to look for in taxi minibus insurance you can’t go wrong, so just take a look around and you’ll soon identify the policy that could be perfect for your needs.