Londonderry taxi insurance companies will take a number of things into account to decide your quote, so to help put you in the mind of the insurer here are just a few things that they’ll be considering.
• Driving history. Your driving history will be one of the most important things that they’ll have to consider, as if you’ve got points on your licence or have suffered driving convictions you’ll usually have to pay higher taxi insurance Londonderry premiums.
• Claims history. Similar to the above point except this one looks exclusively at how many claims you’ve had, usually in the past 5 years. Your claims history will be a vital consideration for Londonderry taxi insurance firms as if you’ve made claims in the past chances are you will again, and they’ll have to raise your premiums to account for that risk.
• Postcode. The postcode of your home address will always be considered, as Londonderry taxi insurance companies need to know how safe your taxi will be. They use a postcode rating system with postcodes being rated from A to F (A being the safest neighbourhoods and F the least safe) and your premiums will reflect that rating.
• Your experience in the field. A tricky one – if you’re a new or young driver you’ll often have to pay higher premiums as younger drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents, but if you’ve been driving for several years but are only just joining the taxi business you might be able to get new taxi driver discounts.
• The extras that you’re looking for. Added extras will always raise your premium but don’t see that as a reason to overlook them – extras such as replacement car cover and breakdown assistance are vital to consider as you don’t want to be stranded after you’ve broken down at the Guildhall.
These are just a few things that Londonderry taxi insurance companies will look at to decide your quote and often this is only for starters, so make sure to discuss your situation with your insurer to get the best quote possible.
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