All taxi drivers in Coventry need to have Coventry taxi insurance before they can start work, but few realise just how beneficial it can be. So, to help you see just what you can get from taxi insurance Coventry, here are just a few benefits that you can get.
• You can work in complete confidence that you’re covered for all eventualities. There’s nothing worse than worrying about what’s around the corner, but if you’re prepared for it then you don’t have to waste time worrying.
• If you’re involved in an accident or breakdown you’ll have dedicated claims handlers to get you back on the road as quickly as possible. This can be vital for taxi drivers as they don’t want to be away from work for too long.
• You’ll often be able to get income protection, meaning that if you can’t work you don’t have to worry about the financial consequences.
• You can get plenty of added extras from Coventry taxi insurance such as a replacement car or breakdown cover, meaning that if you break down on your way to Millennium Place you won’t have to hold up the traffic for too long.
• Your passengers will be covered as well, meaning that you’re not personally liable for any costs incurred in the event of an accident or injury.
• You’ll be able to work without breaking the law! Coventry taxi insurance is required by law, and failing to have any is a criminal offence and also makes it highly unlikely that you’ll be able to find work.
These are just a few benefits that you can find from having Coventry taxi insurance, and there are sure to be many more. Don’t run the risk of being caught without it and always make sure that you’re fully insured before you start work, and you can enjoy all the benefits that Coventry taxi insurance can bring.
Insurer | Outstanding Features | Quote |
Private and public hire vehicles single or fleet cover, Bonus earning schemes available, 3, 6 and 12 month policies, Flexible Payment Options, Cover available nationwide, Minibuses, MPV and coach cover. £100 cashback or free breakdown for new customers! Terms and Conditions may apply. | Freephone Quoteline 0800 466 1989 |