All taxi drivers are required, by law, to have taxi and private hire insurance before they can start to work. It’s necessary to protect the driver, passengers and the people they work for in the event of a claim, and means that they’re not personally responsible for any money owed.
Because it’s a legal requirement, anyone that gets into a UK taxi should be safe in the knowledge that their driver is covered by taxi and private hire insurance. They’ll need to prove their cover before they can start to work, and will need it in order to get a taxi license. The addition of public liability cover means that passengers are covered for any eventuality, and means that you can travel safely knowing that everything is taken care of.
The only time that any passenger should be wary is in the event of them using an unlicensed or unmarked taxi cab. If the taxi driver is working illegally then it’s quite likely that they’ll be uninsured as well, so to prevent this concern always go for a taxi driver or company that’s well known, regulated and licensed.
Taxi drivers don’t need to display proof of their insurance on their ID, but there are a number of other things you can check so you know for sure that the taxi driver is covered. The driver will have to display a photo ID badge with all of their details, and also a numbered plate showing the local authority they work for, the make and model of their vehicle, their licence expiry date and also the number of passengers they’re allowed to carry at any one time. Before drivers can be given this they have to prove their taxi and private hire insurance, so as long as you can see the plate and the ID you can be sure that the driver is insured.
Taxi and private hire insurance is essential for all taxi drivers, and, so long as they get into a licensed cab, passengers can travel safe in the knowledge that they’re completely covered for anything the journey could throw at them.
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